Course Description
RECOMMENDED FOR: Juniors and Seniors
COURSE LISTING: Computer Science (Dual Credit Eligible through Creighton University)
PREREQUISITES: Students should have successfully completed one course in a programming language such as C, C++, Visual Basic .Net, or Java and have a computer with administrator rights Access. Moreover, students should know how to edit, compile, and run a program.
This course is an Advanced Placement level introduction to object-oriented programming in Java. Students will focus on a problem-solving approach designed to focus attention on programming algorithms and data structures. Students will be fluent in the syntax and logic structures of the Java programming language as well as familiar with the Java API. Students will attempt difficult programming challenges, reflect on these exercises, and share their discoveries with their peers. In the spring, students will be eligible to take the AP Computer Science A Exam offered by the College Board at their school. This course requires weekly engagement but is primarily asynchronous which allows students to work independently and around their school schedule. One-on-one synchronous teacher support is offered as needed, by appointment.